Knocking up a fire-wood storeplace

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Knocking up a fire-wood storeplace

Post by Hoovie »

I need to put together some sort of small lean-to type thing that can go against a wall and can stack firewood in ready to be brought inside for burning.
Sizewise- dunno really - maybe 2-3 foot deep, 5 foot wide, few feet high? If I could incorporate a place to chuck a bin-bag or two ready for collection day, that would be a bonus!

Not worried about it being fantastically waterproof and it doesn't need to be secure.
Don't want to spend any real money on this - I have a few pallets (maybe 4 or 5?) that I could use the wood from, and I guess I would have to get a bit of roofing felt?

I know this is all a bit woolly, but any ideas, or maybe something like this you have done before that I could copy?


I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?"
She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
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