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A rate my (something) site, how to go about it

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:15 am
by Megaross
Well I had this fantastic idea down the pub about a week ago, everyone loved it. Theres a popular internet fad at the moment I want to cash in on, based around a certain inanimate object, I've done some very basic market research and now I'm ready to get cracking.

Only problem, I haven't designed a website since I was 15, and back then it was photoshop and notepad to sling them together. Html, very basic php.
And to be fair they were alright websites.
And since then I've done C++ and Visual Basic at college so i've got a basic concept of how to put things together.

Trouble is, nowadays it's all changed, theres interactive stuff and things you can install and god knows what else. So does anyone have any advice about how I'd go about this.
A mate of mine was saying about some sort of thing you could install and run and then sling your own design onto it that'd work really well and save me loads of time.

Anyone got any insight to this modern web design business?

Re: A rate my (something) site, how to go about it

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:14 pm
by ultimatehandyman
Do a Google search for Joomla, it is a customisable content management system which might be what you are looking for.

It is open source and is php based.

Re: A rate my (something) site, how to go about it

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:18 pm
by SteveOC
I played with Joomla briefly - and the only thing I would stress is that it it needs to be installed on a web server - be it local or remotely hosted - which is something new to me if not to others.
If you already have web hosting your provider may already offer this or help you with it.

I installed it locally under WAMP or XAMPP or both (I forget which as as I have them both installed) as it allowed me to work offline where I have no BB access, and not have to pay for hosting.
It also works with LAMP and MAMP (for Linux or MAC only folks who want alternatives to XAMPP).

Steve O.

Re: A rate my (something) site, how to go about it

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:37 am
by Megaross
Cheers guys, I'll look into it :thumbright:

Re: A rate my (something) site, how to go about it

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:20 pm
by fabianess
Spam removed - RichAndo

Re: A rate my (something) site, how to go about it

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:29 pm
by thescruff
Good bit of spamming fabianess.

The mods are aware of the scam.

Re: A rate my (something) site, how to go about it

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:37 pm
by Rich-Ando
ty scruff :thumbright:

Re: A rate my (something) site, how to go about it

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:18 pm
by inspire
wordpress sites are pretty easy to modify and make look good and there are loads of plugins for it most hosting packages have it on the easy install

Re: A rate my (something) site, how to go about it

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:58 pm
by SteveOC
I had forgotten about Wordpress - it was the reason I first installed a Wampserver, to have a play with it.
Seems ideally suited for a blogging style site, but I found it limited and hence went and looked at Joomla.

I might try and fire it up and take another look - if I get a minute.

Steve O.