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What order do the plasterboards go?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:10 pm
by ali
Party wall consists of neighbour's 4" x 2" stud frame, a small space and then my 4" x 2" stud frame and that's it. Original plasterboard was 3 sheets of 12.5mm standard over a blue vapour barrier (looked like thin plastic sheet.......I'm assuming this was actually a vapour barrier?).

I intend upping the spec to increase the soundproofing properties as well as the thermal aspect, by putting in a layer of rockwool dense slabs in my side of the framework then using 1 layer of gyproc plank, 1 layer of 12.5mm soundbloc plasterboard and 1 layer of 12.5 standard foil backed plasterboard.

The plank and the soundblock are standard, not moisture resistant.

The standard plasterboard is foil backed, i.e. moisture resistant.

So which do I put on the frame first, second, third? Also is it necessary to tape the underneath layers?

Thanks for any help.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:43 am
by Paslode_itw
Use the planking first horizontally, then the soundbloc, then the foil backs.

You do not have to tape the first 2 layers, waste of time and materials.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:42 am
by ali
Thanks v. much. :thumbright:

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:52 am
by skiking
If your upping the spec I'd use 15mm Soundbloc.

Alot of sound escapes via cracks. I've used this
around the edges of the boards when butting up.

Also, stagger the boards :thumbright:

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:33 am
by ali
:sad: Too late, I've already ordered the 12.5mm.

As this is the kitchen party wall, (which backs onto the neighbour's kitchen), it should be enough, but when I do the living room I'll use the 15mm boards then.

Ill get some of that sealant I all helps, lol. :thumbright:

One last thing ...... if I wanted to use the soundbloc (which isn't the moisture resistant version) on another wall in the kitchen as a standalone layer without using foil backed plasterboard over it......what should I use as a vapour / moisture barrier?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:23 am
by skiking
For internal walls I don't understand why you would really need vapour/moisture barriers - but I'm not a pro :oops: . I've not even used them on external walls altho' the walls are double skinned which prevents moisture from coming through.

If you do have moisture coming in I'd be looking to understand why its coming in and fixing that first.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 1:30 pm
by ali
I didn't think coming in was the problem...I thought going out was. That's why kitchens and bathrooms are recommended to be foil backed or vapour barriered (I'm sure that's not a word but you know what I mean :grin: )

The wall in question will have the oven housing and the hob on it so plenty of steam, lol.