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Cancer boy’s mum is in it for the publicity

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:07 am
by Jasper
Am I the only person to cotton-on to the motives of Sally Roberts, the mum who has gone to every court in the land in an attempt to stop crucial life-saving treatment for her son who is suffering from brain tumour.
Doctors have stated that Neon Roberts, aged 7, has an 80% chance of survival if he receives the specialist’s recommended treatment, which by the way is internationally recognised as necessary for such tumours.

Mum Sally says that the radiotherapy could cause brain damage and a lowering of her son’s IQ.
So she disappears with her son causing the crucial treatment to be delayed and goes to court day after day in an attempt to prevent her son from receiving the life saving treatment he so badly needs. Already the delays by Mrs Roberts have resulted in her poor son undergoing a second operation to remove more of the tumour.

Last week a judge finally saw sense and ruled that this poor boy should now receive the treatment doctors recommend without further delay, to give him the best chance of survival. I for one, hope it is not too late for Neon.

Spare a thought for mum Sally, who will now no longer be on very daily news bulletin searching to make eye contact with the cameras, smiling and flicking her hair.
No more film clips of her inside well-lit cars, dressed and styled for the cameras.
Make no mistake, this is not a caring mother faced with a difficult choice. This is someone with an eye for self-promotion and publicity, a “Sally Roberts my story” in the Sunday papers and perhaps even a book deal.

Let's hope those who normally pay huge sums for such stories don’t this time.

Re: Cancer boy’s mum is in it for the publicity

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:23 am
by ayjay
She may be attention seeking or she may just want what she considers best for her child, I haven't followed the minutiae of the story enough to make an informed judgement..............but, I do have to wonder about someone who names their child Neon. :roll:

Re: Cancer boy’s mum is in it for the publicity

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:53 am
by Jasper
So her son has a brain tumour and every doctor and specialist worldwide says he needs radiation therapy to give him the BEST CHANCE of staying alive and this "caring mnother" goes to court to PREVENT her son getting this treatment making it MORE LIKELY he will die.
Being dead is best for her child then?

Re: Cancer boy’s mum is in it for the publicity

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 9:46 am
by The man with no aim
I don't think being dead an option even she wants but, I think it shows quite clearly, that she doesn't want raise a brain damaged child into an adulthood which may require intense parental and possibly medical assistance for the rest of their natural life. What is not being covered by the media is the risk of brain damage by Radiotherapy on the brain, as always the media ain't giving us the whole story.

My mum had cancer, she wouldn't have Radiotherapy on the brain as a follow-up after her treatment as she couldn't bear the thought of being a vegetable (her words not mine) for the rest of her life, this maybe the reasoning of this mother. If the NHS actively wants to provide life long medical support why do they test for downs-syndrome thereby, giving parents the choice to terminate pregnancies of high risk downs-syndrome babies.

It’s a double-edged sword and nothing is clear, parents and the decisions they make for their children are personal and shouldn’t be interfered with, the only reason this has come to light is due to the separation of the parents and the therefore differing views upon the child’s treatment.

IMHO, we should all butt out and let the parents just get on with, our opinions are not worth anything, it’s the parents that will have to live with the consequences our their actions not us and by the looks of it, not the father’s either. There isn’t a right or wrong in this one, just want they want to do.

Just my two pennies worth though.


Re: Cancer boy’s mum is in it for the publicity

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:49 pm
by Pooneil
Jasper, have you ever had to watch a child suffer, or anyone for whom you have absolute unconditional love for?

You may be right that she is not acting in the best interest of the child or against doctors advice, but I doubt she is able to do much of anything in a rationally fashion at the moment.

I sincerely hope you never find yourself in anything like the same situation.

Re: Cancer boy’s mum is in it for the publicity

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:46 am
by Jasper
Why does she always look to find the camera and look right into it.
She doesn't look one bit troubled by all the media attention.

Wait for the newsaper story or her book, or One Show interview then we'll see!
Note everyone is as caring as you.