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Turning Internal Doors around ??

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 6:43 pm
by comfortably_numb
Hi Folks.

I've had a couple of my internal doors re-hung opening outwards. The guy has put a new doorstops on & suggested i fill where the previous hinges were. I have bought some "Ronseal Multi Purpose Wood Filler" but i dont really know where to start :scratch: . Any advice would be appreciated

I've attached picture



Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:30 pm
by Mr Mike
Just mix as stated on the tin, and apply it with a spatula / filler knife. Just push it into gap & smooth to rough shape leaving it proud, so you can sand it down flush with it's surround, once it's dry.

The Ronseal 2 part filler is ideal for this.... :thumbright:

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:46 pm
by Teabag
The guy has put a new doorstops on & suggested i fill where the previous hinges were.
I personally would have done that myself if I was rehanging the doors for someone!
Usually what I would do, is remove door again, tidy it up with a chisel, making it square at the edges, then cut a piece if timber to fit the length n width of the gap. glue it in using wood glue then plane to fit flush.

However if you have purchased filler (is it a 2 part like car body filler?) i think i use this at work, if so the easiest thing to do would be.. mask around the area so the filler dont mess every where up, if its the stuff im thinking of, it sticks like $hit to a blanket when first mixed..
Remove the door, cut a piece of timber longer than the hinge cut outs, put packing tape over this piece of wood, so filler wont stick to it.
then tack or tape it on the side level with the front face of the door lining so it creates a false edge for the filler to create its own...
fill the gap once its cured sand the front flat with the bit of wood still on the side, re fill if necessary, once flat, remove the bit of wood with tape around it and see how the side turned out, fill if needed...
might sound long winded but results are really good.

hope that helps

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 9:50 pm
by dirtydeeds
for a rapid job when the door and frame are to be painted teabag is correct 2pack filler

if you arnt sure car body filler is 2 pack

just curious how much did the job cost, in my local paper they "quote" £16 to £40

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:13 pm
by comfortably_numb
Thanks for the response guys :thumbright: