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Laptop Screens

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:49 am
by kintangoman
Hello everyone,
I'm home alone all this week (8 yr old son sick with flu or similar. GP says just let him rest with no medication?).
So I want to take the opportunity to do something at home. He has fallen over, while holding laptop, and damaged the screen which has now gone all black.
Is there anywhere I can source the screen and change it myself instead of taking it to a repair shop?
Wife wants to claim it under Home Insurance, but I don't want to go down that route.

It's an HP Compaq nx 9030. I think they come in TWO screen sizes, so will have to find a way of determining what screen size it is :scratch:

Thanks for any help.

Re: Laptop Screens

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:03 am
by Cannyfixit
To measure the screen go from top left hand corner to bottom right hand corner
Or top right to bottom left either way will give you the screen size
I have no idea how to change it,

Sent from a galaxy far far away

Re: Laptop Screens

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:13 am
by kintangoman
Thnx canny.

I think I'll be able to work out how to fix it.
Just need to source the screen but not sure where :oops:

Re: Laptop Screens

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:02 pm
by kellys_eye
Changing a screen is fairly easy if you are familiar with modern equipment assembly techniques. There are often hidden clips and catches that require prising apart and for most people a change of screen means soome form of visible damage to the surrounding plastic parts (not serious or too noticable) unless you've experience.

There will likely be a Youtube video of it somewhere!

Biggest difficulty is sourcing the screen but they are usually available via ebay from someone breaking another dud machine or even as a genuine replacement part.

Re: Laptop Screens

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:17 pm
by BillyGoat
Is it one of these: ... 30-pg575et

As in, really old?

Would be crazy to claim on insurance for that........if it's not, got a link to it - or details from the unit

Re: Laptop Screens

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:52 pm
by Megaross
£40-50 on ebay most likely, screens are an easy replacement in laptops.
With disassembling laptops, remember, don't force anything, you've probably missed a screw or something, be meticulous.

Not worth replacing though IMO, those laptops are ancient. You could probably just buy the laptop over again for little more than a screen would cost truth be told.

Re: Laptop Screens

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:02 pm
by kellys_eye
If it has a port for an external screen, convert it to a 'desktop' and save yourself some trouble.

Re: Laptop Screens

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:59 pm
by kintangoman
BillyGoat wrote:Is it one of these: ... 30-pg575et

As in, really old?

Would be crazy to claim on insurance for that........if it's not, got a link to it - or details from the unit

that's the one billy.

as kelly says, the process of removing and replacing screen is on utube and I have played it a couple of times. Just need to get my hands on that replacement screen. I doubt there is any need to go the insurance route.

Re: Laptop Screens

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:27 pm
by warmadmax
weight up the price of a replacement screen vs a new laptop

if the replacement screen comes in at £45 quid, that's 1/7th the way to a new lappy,
in the past decade, we've gone from single cores to quad and more cores so upgrade would be my way :thumbright:

buy a cheap VGA cable to plug it into the TV (if it's a lcd / led / plasma) if you need to get stuff off it.
or see if anyone's chucking a monitor away.
we upgraded to 22"s at work and had a load of 17"s and 19"s that were redundant, one's my second screen at home now, but would serve as main screen for your lappy if needed :thumbright:

Re: Laptop Screens

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:59 pm
by BillyGoat ... 53f4e7dc4e

25 quid.

Wouldn't spend a penny more than that!


Re: Laptop Screens

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:53 pm
by kintangoman
thanks BG.

Just have to set up an ebay acc now and buy that one :thumbleft: