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Yet again - CARS!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:34 pm
by scot-canuck
So Vectra has had wooly brakes since I got it, seller said "pads in the footwell" so figured would take a look, firstly discovered pads are for a different car and only one pair not 2 ::b ::b ::b

Also brake wear sensor broken, sacrifical so would need replaced anyway.
Worst of all, passenger front brake disc (vented) the 2 halves could be squeezed by hand, when my dad finally got the caliper off (bolts near siezed solid as usual) gave the disc a very light tap to knock off loose rust.....and the disc split into 2 separate halves (lucky it didn't split when I stamped for the anchors the other day...that could have been lethal), pads are a disaster even if the disc wasn't
Plus the shocks on both sides at the front don't look too clever....(165,000 so they easily could be OEM shocks and the damping is about as decent as a tractor IMHO.....though the Corolla had brand new shocks on it so the ride was sorted)
So at a minimum....£60 for 2 discs and pads (cheers fleabay), though might get a full set (front and back) for £80 if I can scrape the cash together (really wish I hadn't cancelled my credit card now ::b ::b ::b ::b ::b ::b ) plus £3.49 each for the brake sensors plus postage.
front shocks if they need done....£75 for 2 standard monroe shocks or £100 ish for uprated monroes shocks....(if I had the card still active I would just order a set of Eibachs or something and stiffen the thing up properly)

worse still can't travel far for work as currently have no transport apart from shanks pony or the bus (which would look EVER so professional.. ::b ::b ::b )........REALLY don't need this right now.....

Re: Yet again - CARS!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:29 am
by Someone-Else
You have my sympathy.

Re: Yet again - CARS!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:14 am
by nick200
That is scary, glad you found the split disc before it went on you.

I hope you sort it, bus ride would be a pain with equipment!

Re: Yet again - CARS!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:35 am
by Bikergirl
Sympathy. ::b ::b Anyone you can borrow some wheels from? Luckily I have a few mates who have rubbish old cars that they use infrequently and are willing to lend me when mine's knackered in return for filling it up.

Re: Yet again - CARS!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:56 pm
by scot-canuck
Well thankfully (I think) its a quiet week thus far, parts are in the mail (found a card I had still active albeit not used, not ideal but need wheels)
Parts list thus far -
4 discs and 8 pads - £80
2 shocks - £76 a pair
One rear caliper as the other one is shot - piston butchered with stilsons in the past, seals wrecked - £49 minus £15 exchange if I send it back
2 caliper springs for the rear - £10
Wheel stud -£2
an MOT - £40
So not much change from £300.....flipping cars!!

Re: Yet again - CARS!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:14 pm
by wine~o
scot-canuck wrote:Well thankfully (I think) its a quiet week thus far, parts are in the mail (found a card I had still active albeit not used, not ideal but need wheels)
Parts list thus far -
4 discs and 8 pads - £80
2 shocks - £76 a pair
One rear caliper as the other one is shot - piston butchered with stilsons in the past, seals wrecked - £49 minus £15 exchange if I send it back
2 caliper springs for the rear - £10
Wheel stud -£2
an MOT - £40
So not much change from £300.....flipping cars!!
