3 flamin hours wasted
Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:05 pm
We moved into this flat back in March and there was a white venetian blind up at the kitchen window,seems that last tenant had no idea what a bucket of soap and water is as the blind was rammed with dirt and grease
So Mrs Canny went out to see the grand kids i was bored so I just spent 3 hours taking it all apart.has anyone ever un done the strings in a blind cleaned 50 slats re assembled and put back up talk about monotonous
Mrs Canny has just come in and said why did you do that i have ordered new one
So Mrs Canny went out to see the grand kids i was bored so I just spent 3 hours taking it all apart.has anyone ever un done the strings in a blind cleaned 50 slats re assembled and put back up talk about monotonous
Mrs Canny has just come in and said why did you do that i have ordered new one