internet boosters

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internet boosters

Post by big-all »

any recommendations for one off those units that plug in the mains and have a booster elsewhere
ideally i would like 2 remote transmitters but could live with one

or even what to google as i am doing something wrong :lol:
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Re: internet boosters

Post by FFX »

If you want wireless, then you would need to search for a Wireless Extender.

If you want it wired and its staying indoors, then Homeplugs are a good and fairly cheap.

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Re: internet boosters

Post by TheToolStore »

last weekend I've installed 2 netgear one (from pcworld 34.99) they're good. receiver and sander 2 in 1! like a repeater (expander) ... but don't mix the AV stuff, where they're just using the powerline as a cable network
I've expanded 2 wifi routers signal range... works fine... just find a wall socket on the nice spot.
If you have any questions I'm happy to help ;)
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Re: internet boosters

Post by aeromech3 »

I bought a wi-fi extender, my router is in a bedroom at one end of house and Son could not use his tablet in the kitchen, placed at a power socket bottom of the stairs it gets the original signal and boosts it, working fine. Note: you only get one unit which picks up the signal and it only uses the mains for power, there is no base unit plugged in next to the router.
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Re: internet boosters

Post by big-all »

thanks for the replies

i have a netgear router everything is wireless [dg834pn]
its just to extend to the garden [my shed] all connected to the mains
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Re: internet boosters

Post by big-all »

aeromech3 wrote:I bought a wi-fi extender, my router is in a bedroom at one end of house and Son could not use his tablet in the kitchen, placed at a power socket bottom of the stairs it gets the original signal and boosts it, working fine. Note: you only get one unit which picks up the signal and it only uses the mains for power, there is no base unit plugged in next to the router.
so it recieives the signal and transmits it down the mains i think thats what i want :scratch: :lol:
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Re: internet boosters

Post by aeromech3 »

No B-A, does not send it down the mains just relays the wi-fi, uses the mains socket/plug for its power, has one RJ45 connection if you want to hard wire a computer rather than wi-fi but it receives by wi-fi!
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Re: internet boosters

Post by big-all »

ok i am confused :lol:

the router is in the front room at the bt socket
the signal travels about 30ft/9m before it drops out i need it to travel a further say 20ft/6m to the shed will that work :dunno:
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Re: internet boosters

Post by BillyGoat »

I think they are talking about two different product types. Both 'extend the wifi' but both do it different ways.

Wifi Repeater

Plugs into the mains for it's power (wall wart, usually). It's configured using a CD that comes with it to connect to your wireless router - so you place it towards the edge of your wifi range (not at the very edge....mid-way ish). It then repeats the wifi signal, doubling your range.

Powerline wifi repeater

One 'box' plugs in to the mains next to your existing router and is connected by a network cable. This 'injects' your broadband signal into the MAINS cabling of your house, effectivly turning your whole house into a network.

At the shed (you need to try - it has limits on how far the signal travels, but it's not out of the possibility) or a plug socket near to the side of the house where you want to extend the range, you plug in the second 'box' - the bit that sends the wifi signal. It picks the internet up from your mains wiring and broadcast it again wirelessly.

Pick a branded one, not a crappy chinese ebay no-name make.

Both have pro's and con's. Myself, I'd go for the powerline's got more possibilities and infinitely more flexible.

Third you like tinkering with things and do you have an old router laying around?

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Re: internet boosters

Post by aeromech3 »

B-A, just tried my laptop in the garage and it does not see the repeater signal but that is about 2 walls and 14mtrs distance; so for what you are asking is a bit of a tall order, unless you can plug this repeater in where it gets say a 2 bar signal and the garage position is no more than say 7mtrs away and not through an aluminium door!
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Re: internet boosters

Post by big-all »

i have the origional talk talk router unused
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Re: internet boosters

Post by big-all »

aeromech3 wrote:B-A, just tried my laptop in the garage and it does not see the repeater signal but that is about 2 walls and 14mtrs distance; so for what you are asking is a bit of a tall order, unless you can plug this repeater in where it gets say a 2 bar signal and the garage position is no more than say 7mtrs away and not through an aluminium door!
thanks for taking the time and trouble to try it thanks
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Re: internet boosters

Post by BillyGoat »

big-all wrote:i have the origional talk talk router unused
Can you get the model/details off the bottom of it?

it'll be a rebranded something - we might be able to do what you want for free....... :mrgreen:
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Re: internet boosters

Post by Icm76 »

Anything that's a repeater I wouldn't touch with a barge pole. If you can be bothered laying Ethernet cable a wireless access point is probably the 'best' solution, but if it has to be a powerline / homeplug type solution maybe you can find some recommendations on SmallNetBuilder although being based in the USA it doesn't usually cover some good brands like Billion or AVM (Fritzbox)

User comments on Amazon and Broadbandbuyer might also help?
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Re: internet boosters

Post by big-all »

BillyGoat wrote:
big-all wrote:i have the origional talk talk router unused
Can you get the model/details off the bottom of it?

it'll be a rebranded something - we might be able to do what you want for free....... :mrgreen:
description-smart ax wt882 adsl [or mt882 ?]
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