DIY engine support beam

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DIY engine support beam

Post by scot-canuck »

So need to replace the gearbox on the vec (2nd gear has decided to throw a fit and keep popping out)
However according to the manual the engine needs to be supported by either a hoist or a support beam, support beam preferable for improved access, similar to This

However being "handy" I reckon I can heath robinson / improvise something suitable.

Only question is what wall thickness of hollow section would be enough to take the weight of a diesel car engine? (2.0 DTI Y20DTH for anyone who wants the exact model of the engine)
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Re: DIY engine support beam

Post by Chop »

I would hazard a guess at 180- 200 kg for the engine alone. If it has to take the weight of the gearbox too guess at another 100 kg or so.

Could you hang a temporary hoist to hang a chain?

Be interested to see to what you come up with, I love to see a bit of backyard engineering. :idea1:

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Re: DIY engine support beam

Post by Hitch »

I'd go with 50x50x3 SHS.
Readily available, standard stock in just about every fab shop.
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Re: DIY engine support beam

Post by ayjay »

I'd make a timber one. :mrgreen:

I can't see a car gearbox weighing 100kg, maybe half of that at top whack I reckon.I can remember taking one out and rebuilding it decades ago (might have been a Viva HC) and the weight was not much. :scratch:
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Re: DIY engine support beam

Post by aeromech3 »

Lifted the body of my 1972 beetle off the engine using a scaffold pole across the single garage span with a nylon winch; in order to replace the clutch and release bearing that the Mrs had burnt out in just 3 months of school runs; still have the winch but I remember it was on its limits and the pole bowed but rolled enough to get the engine clear, I was an eager 28yrs old then!
Morris Marina gearbox out 1976 laying on my back under the car with just a wheel jack for support.
However one of my colleagues lifted a Cortina engine with a strap across his back but he needed spine disc surgery the next year.
Lesson is be comfortable with the lifting gear and have a follow up jack in place.
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Re: DIY engine support beam

Post by scot-canuck »

Thanks guys....
Hitch: :salute: thats what I had in mind...want a balance of strength vs weight...

Ayjay: That might be an idea....I'd sure the old man still has a piece of 4x4 or 6x4 hardwood in the garage that is a nightmare to saw (and therefore has been left in the garage for donkeys.....)

Aeromech: I reckon about 35kg for the gearbox, maybe its aluminium, just glad its not the transfer case from my canadian truck I had....300lbs of cast iron...bone dry..... :? :?
Gone M.I.A.
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