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a long crack on kitchen floor tiles help!

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:39 pm
by myvaliantboiler
When I visit my grandma's house earlier this week, I noticed there are lots of cracks on the red quarry floor tiles in the kitchen, when I removed the long rug covering the floor, it revealed a long crack all along the floor; it then strucked me it could be something serious. Could someone give me some ideas if it is only a matter of changing the floor tiles or something serious might be happening underneath! The problem is my nan can't even remember when does the crack start and I haven't been to her house for years! Thus, I have absolutely no idea how long has the floor cracked!

I have taken a few pictures, hope this help.


P.s. As far as I know there is no history of subsidence around the area.

Re: a long crack on kitchen floor tiles help!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:31 pm
by haveagohero
floor just needs re tiled