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Ignorant suicide types

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:50 am
by royaloakcarpentry
If you want to commit suicide................

Do it at home from the rafters or jump off your house roof.

Don't jump off the bridge over the A13!

Can't get to work today because some selfish pr1ck decided to cause havoc.

I bet I couldn't even sue his estate for a days lost money.

To make matters worse, they are wasting tax payers money in having the road shut whilst police investigate.

What is it with investigations. You have murderers being filmed in the act and they get a trial at court!

Re: Ignorant suicide types

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:22 pm
by Razor
I expect there was a barracks full of guys that would have saved the taxpayer a trial if they'd had the chance.