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Tiling around a window

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:26 am
by bgatty68
Can someone give me some tips on tiling around recess. I have got tile trim to put on the edges, but my question is do you tile the inside of the recess first and then the wall or do you tile the wall as normal and then tile the recess after or do you tile each section of wall/recess together and then move on to the next bit of recess and wall etc :dunno: :help: :scratch:
any tips on putting the tile trim on a tile edge would be great as well.

Re: Tiling around a window

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:07 am
by dewaltdisney
I am not an expert tiler but I have done a bit over the years. The important bit is getting the tile run planned before you even get the tools out. I firstly mix and shuffle up a few boxes of tiles to avoid any slight batch variation that will stand out a mile if you have strong colours. I then lay a run of tiles against the wall using spacers to see how it works in with the reveal. Once I have established the wall run that suits I then plan the reveal. You need to do that part all in one go in my opinion and assemble the trim as you go. I use the corner pieces you can buy which are pricey but give a lovely finish at the corners. See ... im-corners. If you are tiling the underside of the reveal then you will need to get a propped support to hold the tiles inplace as the glue goes off. Some thin wedges will help to jack it up tight.

Careful planning and preparation like this, which might seem a bit over cautious, will get it right first time.


Re: Tiling around a window

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:58 am
by dewaltdisney
Did you see this reply?


Re: Tiling around a window

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:44 am
by bgatty68
Sorry just seen the reply as im doing it tonight/tomorrow :cb so much appreciated on the tips, so im gonna plan out my cuts tonight before any adhesive is put on the wall. Also DWD do you put the trim on the inside of the recess or do you put it on the wall :scratch:

Re: Tiling around a window

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:52 am
by dewaltdisney
I put it on the wall it sits better in my opinion.

Good luck :thumbright:


Re: Tiling around a window

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:24 pm
by bgatty68
:thumbright: nice one DWD :thumbleft: