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Bathroom wall - poor job needing fixed, do I need to rake?

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:35 pm
by gcplatinum82
Hello all

My bathroom wall (three sides round the bath, floor to ceiling) has just been finished... by someone else. On inspection, the grouting is pretty poor in places: bumpy, uneven and in several areas there are holes/ places where grout has not been worked in close to the tiles (larger than air holes, but never more than 1mm wide).

My question is, in order to rectify this, will I need to rake out this grout and start again, or can I 'top up' the areas that need attention (after providing a good key on the existing grout)? My instinct says it might just be easier to rake out the bad bits and start again rather than doing a half and half job.....

Many thanks in advance

Re: Bathroom wall - poor job needing fixed, do I need to rak

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:55 pm
by haveagohero
rake it all out and do it again