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Tiles fell off help please

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:53 pm
by bgatty68
Hi guys I need a bit of help/advice I have been tiling my bathroom after good advice on here :salute: the problem I have is two tiles fell off where one of the water fittings for my shower is, now when I first put the shower in all was good but after a few days once I had tiled but not grouted I noticed there was a tiny leak from the fitting and so I took the shower off and checked where the leak was coming from but couldn't find anything so put the shower back and thought all was ok until two tiles fell off. Now all other tiles around there I have pulled at and checked and they are all still ok, now could a bit of a water really have done this?? I have tiled onto plasterboard and powdered adhesive

Now I know to you pros it should have been aquapanel boards but it's what I had put up before and the shower is actually rarely used, thought I would mention this cos I know someone will mention it.
Know I have the shower off again and there isn't a leak do you think it was the leak from the first time that done it and do you think I could just put those tiles back on :help:
Can't attach a picture straight from iPhone

Re: Tiles fell off help please

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:16 pm
by royaloakcarpentry
A leak is a leak, makes no difference what is behind the tiles. It will fcuk aqua board too, it isn't a water proof product.

best with pictures.

A shower screen manufacturer has been onto a job I did last year as the sliding gear for the doors was wearing rather rapidly. Bespoke tray made in situ by me, waste exits through the wall. Fully tanked. They chipped two tiles on the kerb I did for the tray, that obviously is also tanked. So just two tiles to take of and replace??? NO! As soon as I take one off the tanking is going to get damaged and so in theory the whole job needs ripping out and doing again.

Pull tiles and adhesive off of most backgrounds and it will normally not be fit for tiling onto.

Re: Tiles fell off help please

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:39 am
by bgatty68
:cb :cb will try and put picture up just gutted can't do it straight from my iPhone

Re: Tiles fell off help please

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:05 pm
by OchAye
Is your plumbing from the bottom up or from the top (ceiling) down? Plastic or metal pipes?

Anyhoo, if you think the problem has not been caused by the leak, if the plasterboard is dry you could tile it again. Or you have to look for where the leak may have come from.

Re: Tiles fell off help please

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:05 am
by bgatty68
It is copper pipe and from bottom up and I cleaned the whole area up and it looked like it could have had a leak so i re done the fitting and put the tiles back on and fingers crossed so far they are ok :huray: :thumbright: :thumbleft: