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Natural slate tiles
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:39 pm
by joinerjohn
My daughter is thinking of having natural slate tiles put down in her kitchen. The floor at the moment is the thermoplastic tiles firmly stuck down to concrete. A few questions,, Is it alright to tile straight over the top of the existing tiles, and what adhesive would you suggest? Before grouting, I'm assuming the new tiles would need sealing with something, if so, what would you suggest?
Cheers JJ
Re: Natural slate tiles
Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:13 pm
by royaloakcarpentry
Get the tiles up.
Prime floor with a suitable primer for the tile adhesive.
Powdered rapid set adhesive suitable for stone.
You can seal before tiling and they will still need sealing after grouting. Sealer suitable for stone. Lithofin make good sealers. Steer clear of the shite from Fila. In fact steer clear of shite slate from china too.....I.E DIY stores
Tiles will need to be sorted into thickness if they are not regularised. You then start by laying the thickest first and working down to the thinnest last.