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HardieBacker Board vs NoMorePly installation

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:58 pm
by djkprojects

I'm planning on tiling my first floor bathroom floor and looking at the backerboards to overboard the current T&G floorboards. I'm thinking between HardieBacker and NoMorePly however a bit confused as to why Hardie boards have to be bonded to the floor by using non-flexible tile adhesive whereas NoMorePly are glued with their own special glue ? My assumption was that these are really similar things so the application would be the same. Any ideas why the difference ? :dunno:


Re: HardieBacker Board vs NoMorePly installation

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:11 pm
by kingnewport
Just use 9mm play a screw I'd down every 4"
Old skool all day

Re: HardieBacker Board vs NoMorePly installation

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:00 pm
by All The Gear
The tile adhesive will take out any slight undulations on the existing floor and make the cement board more stable.

I hardly ever use ply these days. And 9mm isn't anywhere near good enough.