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Stanley 1/2 Socket Set

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:26 pm
by Allycuk
noticed this on e-bay at only £16.50 ... EBIDX%3AIT

Just noticed that there is aslo a 3/8 stanley set at only £12 ... 1856?rt=nc

Re: Stanley 1/2 Socket Set

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:38 pm
by Chop
It doesn't come with a metal box, just a tray for putting in a drawer not sure if you noticed that?

It looks for all the world like my Silverline set, which was indeed a good servant. Problem is if you're working on a car and space is tight ratchets like that have a large arc of movement on the lever before the ratchet engages, worst case; you can't tighten/untighten the nut.

Depends what you're using it for and how frequently. If it just occasional it'll probably do, if it's a "buy right, buy once" I would be tempted to push the boat out a little further. ... socket+set There is some good deals here, free delivery and if you use the discount code you'll get a further fiver or tenner off. (See my thread in bargain tools)