Central Heating wasn't working yesterday. The heating wouldn't switch off Phoned British Gas due to being a bit concerned about the gas. An engineer came out within the hour. He said that it wasn't a gas fault but electrical fault in the boiler. He went onto say that he can't fix it due to him only there for the gas. So he switches off the gas main and phones britsh gas to recommend that an engineer comes out straight away to fix the fault. He tells the call handler that I have a 2 year old and four year old who is not well. The engineer passes the phone to me. Call handler says we will get someone out tommorow between the hours of 8am and 6pm due to it not being an emergency
I explained that it is an emergency due to the children. He wouldn't listen I asked to speak to his supervisor. His reply They are all in a meeting
I then asked him what constitutes an emergency. He said someone who is in a life threatining situation like a disabled person. Now that definition of a disabled person is vast. That can be someone with Down Syndrome to someone who has high dependancy needs.
The kids had to stay at my mother in laws. whilst i'm still sitting here waiting for the engineer
So much for excellent customer service and central heating cover.
British Gas three star cover
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Moral of the story.....dont ring British Gas get on here. Could we (especially Hinton Heating) not have talked you through a few fixes? We are all here to help you - but I suppose if you do start messing yourself they would probably say you have invalidated the warranty or something. And if you have paid for it as an extra service then they should be right on it for you especailly having the kids, what a joke! Hope they do turn up!!!
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