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Tile to door threshold interface

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 2:41 pm
by vassillym
I am hanging a new entry door and window unit because the sill plate below is rotten, and we want to upgrade the door anyways. The door frame will be white, as well as the door itself. I am wondering what to do with the interface between the tile and the door's threshold on the inside. The old owners laid the tile, and then put grout all the way up to the door threshold. I just don't like the look of this. I would like something white to fill this crack that is about 1/2 - 3/4 inch in most parts. My dad mentioned some sort of epoxy, but there are so many options in the hardware store, I really do not know which to choose. I am sure some sort of white silicone caulk would be an obvious option, but is that the best one? I am sure there is more than one way to do this, just looking for some input. A specific product name would be appreciated if you have one in mind. I am a lay person. The picture you see is an example of what mine looks like from the internet. I had a lot of trouble uploading my photos.


Re: Tile to door threshold interface

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 4:09 pm
by wine~o
To upload your actual pics you will probably need to re-size them. Assuming you have windows installed then right click on the image you wish to upload, select *open with* then *Paint*

Top left ish is a *Resize* button, click on that and then *Pixels* in whichever box has the higher value, type "1200" (the other box will change itself.


You should then be able to attach the image.