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My Laptop

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:56 pm
by Someone-Else
Never had a lap top before I decided to get one, I only wanted something cheap, so i got one of these. Image

It says it has a 32gb "hard drive" yes it has, but what they don't mention or I forgot about is that the operating system needs to go somewhere, so you only end up with about 8gb free.

It also has a problem (well mine does) trying to upgrade to win 10.
Only had it for just over 24 hours, so I can't comment on battery life, I am NOT planning on using it much, just to copy a few things, and yes I did use it to browse the web and yes, I can see the thanks button (which means there is something not right with this pc) The laptop is currently updating itself, so I can't try it just now, but overall seems ok, although a 32gb flash drive seems to be good.

Re: My Laptop

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:07 am
by Retired

Nice one s-e; hope you enjoy your new toy. Installing Win10 will reduce the free space on the hard drive further?

32gb is considered small by modern standards but around 16 years ago when I bought my first computer costing £1,000 it being a top of the range computer it then had a massive 8gb hard drive? Many computers then only had 500mb hard drives; how the heck did we manage? My current desk top sports a 1tb and is backed up with an external 1tb hard drive.

I'm not a fan of all the modern electronic must have gimmicks but I've always liked and fully used my computer; I'm still waiting for a company to make a sensible printer which holds more than a pen refill of ink in its cartridges?

Good luck with your new toy. :thumbleft:

Have a go using your new thanks button to see if it bites? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kind regards, Col.

Re: My Laptop

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:37 pm
by Someone-Else
Thanks for that Retired.

I don't know about win 10 using less space, it wont install it, it said it needs 9gb and i only have 8gb.

Yes, nowadays 32gb is small. But its all "solid state" so no moving parts to wear out. I had a very old desktop that had 250 mb HD it was great though, windows only had folders, no background pictures etc.

I don't have a printer, I still write what I need to down on paper. (which isn't much) You may want to look at This printer it has ink bottles not small cartridges.

I wish I could use the "thanks button" but I am using my desktop, the laptop has a specific use, which seems to work rather well, so it will not be going near the www.

I have another desktop that still has windows XP, it too has a dedicated job and it has NEVER been on the www, it doesn't have wifi, or a LAN connection or a LAN card, the only thing it has had (and that was last week) is a new battery for its memory. So if it doesnt need to go on the www, it isnt going on the www.

Re: My Laptop

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 2:44 pm
by wine~o
I read the original post and thought "32Gb, I'm sure someone-else meant 320Gb".......

I mean.. really 32 Gb ??????

Re: My Laptop

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:02 pm
by wine~o
someone-else wrote:
I don't know about win 10 using less space, it wont install it, it said it needs 9gb and i only have 8gb.
I'm sure W 10 only needs 3 Gb of free space, either way if you can't upgrade take it back to Currys and reject it. the image in your post clearly shows W 10 loaded.....

Re: My Laptop

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:03 pm
by Inky Pete
wine~o wrote:I read the original post and thought "32Gb, I'm sure someone-else meant 320Gb".......

I mean.. really 32 Gb ??????
It's not really what anyone would call a laptop. ... 8-pdt.html

Just a cheap tablet with an attached keyboard.

Re: My Laptop

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:07 pm
by wine~o
Inky Pete wrote:
wine~o wrote:I read the original post and thought "32Gb, I'm sure someone-else meant 320Gb".......

I mean.. really 32 Gb ??????
It's not really what anyone would call a laptop. ... 8-pdt.html

Just a cheap tablet with an attached keyboard.

Ah I see, for £299.99 you could get a "Real" laptop.(Not a high spec but adequate) No way the original price of that heap of sh1t was £300 notes though.....