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Poundland Tape Measure.

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:04 am
by Rorschach
I'll probably get some stick for this but nothing new there :lol:

In poundland at the weekend and I always like to take a look at the tools as I have found some good stuff in the past. This week I spotted they had tape measures in their Tommy Walsh brand, 7.5m for obviously a quid. Now I am quite at losing tape measures, especially when out and about buying supplies so I picked one up to see what it's like, it's not going to be used in the shop or anything, I want to just leave it in the boot of the car so I know we always have one on hand and if I leave it at the timber yard or on top of the car when loading materials (yes I have done that) then I have only lost a quid.

As to a review of the tape, it's about standard size for a 7.5m tape, the tape itself is 20mm wide and I can get about 2m of extension before it breaks, the markings are clear and easy to read and pass the fingernail test. Belt clip works as expected, not the most sturdy but will suffice, lock works easy and the tape retracts fine. Biggest downside is the hook, it's a bit thin and the internal/external movement on the hook doesn't look terribly accurate, but then again I am not going to use this for anything particularly precise, I though that if it measures within a couple of mm then that is more than good enough to tell me if I have fit a piece of wood in the car etc.

Did a test using my Stanley, a Rabone Chesterman, and the TW using parts of my computer desk as a reference and measured the following:

Stanley 1516mm
Rabone 1516mm
TW 1515.5 (ish)mm.

Stanley 659mm
Rabone 659mm
TW (just slightly under) 658mm

Plenty close enough for what I want!
So if you want a cheap tape measure than you can throw in the boot of the car and can afford to lose, this is a pretty good choice, I am happy with my investment.

Re: Poundland Tape Measure.

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:07 am
by dewaltdisney
You really cannot go wrong for £1. As I always lose tape measures I will get one next time I go in.



Re: Poundland Tape Measure.

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:36 pm
by kellys_eye
I was kind of expecting you to say you get 13" for the price of 12" :lol:

Re: Poundland Tape Measure.

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:40 pm
by dewaltdisney
As a rule that is usually correct Kelly :thumbright:


Re: Poundland Tape Measure.

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:52 pm
by Dave54
Keep one in the toolbox for when somebody says "Can I borrow your tape" :lol:
Really though at that price you can't go wrong.

Re: Poundland Tape Measure.

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:20 pm
by wine~o
Provided you use the same measure for the gap that you are trying to fill and the piece that you are cutting to fill it........ then it shouldn't matter.

use different tape measures at your peril... :oops: :oops:

Re: Poundland Tape Measure.

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:43 pm
by steviejoiner74
wine~o wrote:Provided you use the same measure for the gap that you are trying to fill and the piece that you are cutting to fill it........ then it shouldn't matter.

use different tape measures at your peril... :oops: :oops:
I work with my brother and we try to use the same type of tape measure for that reason,amazing how two different brands of tape can be a mm or 2 out. A problem if someone is shouting you out sizes they've measured with a different brand to yours.

I'm gonna bag a few of the poundland tapes I think,I wreck loads by getting them soaked when working in the rain. Got to be worth a go at a quid!!

Re: Poundland Tape Measure.

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:54 pm
by Rorschach
I think I am going to get a couple more, keep one in the car, one in the house and one in the workshop, I'll put my favourite stanley away and keep it for really critical stuff.