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Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 9:15 pm
by rhinos
I am re laying turf in my garden and have since made it level but have brought alot of subsoil from others ares of the garden to make it level and flat. Do I need to use a manual wacker for the subsoil before I put the topsoil and then the turf down as there was so much and will it help for the future ie sinking occurs. I have used my heels to walk over the subsoil but is this enough?

Re: subsoil

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 11:37 pm
by boxedin
What do you mean by manual wacker a rammer or a petrol wacker. If it is a rammer then it probably won't make much difference over treading, I definately wouldn't use a petrol wacker
Sometimes people go over with a roller but I don't think its essential and may cause water to pool. Having gone over it a couple of times with your feet at 10 to 2 position that should be firm enough I would have thought

I would get a couple of buckets of soil and a plank and tie rope to either end and drag the plank across the plot it will scrape the high spots and show the hollows or lay a sheet of tarpaulin across the plot like tarpaulin or similar to highlight the hollows that need infilling,

I would infill the hollows with fine soil from the bucket then rake with a landscape rake prong side and reversed so there is a level surface with a fine tilth removing any stones that are on the surface as you go. I'd rake from different directions to get a fine tilth then add a general purpose fertilzer at 2oz per square yard

As you lay the turf keep checking for hollows and roll back and infill from the buckets of soil where necessary to get it level

Re: subsoil

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 7:54 am
by wine~o

As above.. if you overcompact the soil then you'll end up with poor drainage and consequently a poor lawn.

Re: subsoil

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:55 pm
by AimeeHoward
I think that you should definitely use a manual wacker. It is much better than sinking all over in the mud. I also think you should use some solid gardening boots, as well.

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