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Tiling chimney breast.

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 5:50 am
by orangepeel
So I'm going to be tiling our chimney breast with a simple white flat metro tile with dark grout. My concerns is getting a nice finish on the outside corner where cut tiles meet the tile trim and getting consistent grout line. Should the tile butt right up against the trim or should there be spacers.

Also I've got a manual cutter but don't seem to be getting a very clean cut through the tile. Is this technique or a crap tile cutter?! Cut line on the face is OK but the back is inconsistent.

My first tiling job!

Thanks for the help.


Re: Tiling chimney breast.

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 8:33 am
by dewaltdisney
I got a similar finish on my metro tiling. I tried masking tape on the cut line and I think it helped a bit. The nature of the cutters is that you will get micro chipping on the cut edge I guess. I also tried cutting the tile face down and that was worse. The grout tidies it up somewhat. You will always see it, other will not. :thumbright: