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Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:38 pm
by Someone-Else
My nice new laptop asked for some updates, so I told it ok, get them. (That was last night) It stopped a few times to ask the most stupid questions, and I left it on all day. Came home this evening and it has stopped. (Think it went to sleep) gave it a shove and told it to get the few other updates. It then said lost internet connection (I should have guessed then) enter wifi password, it carries on. Then it says had a problem, don't worry, gathering information will restart. It did this 3 times in a row.:boxing:
Windows then stepped in (seriously) and said your computer appears to be having a problem, what would you like to do (several options)
So I am now waiting for my pc to clear out all the updates and reinstall windows. Next time it asks for updates, I will just ignore the request.

Re: egad.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:54 pm
by DIY_Johnny
boot in safe mode maybe and take it from there?

Re: egad.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 9:52 pm
by Someone-Else
I have never been successful trying that, but thanks. All rubbish removed, re downloaded some bits, (That is said it would remove, as they didn't come with computer in the first place) all back and running :cheers:

Re: egad.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 10:16 pm
by Kev888
If its windows10, I'm not sure you have the option to refuse general updates any more, just defer them a bit.

They give it (what were once called) service packs via update these days too, so sometimes the updates can be huge and take ages (deeply awkward on my limited and somewhat intermittent broadband allowance). I had particular problems with the creators update; I stopped my laptop from sleeping and it worked the next time, but that may have been pure coincidence.