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Need advice installing an auxiliary/parking heater on Corsa

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 7:23 am
by dquelhas
Make: Vauxhall
Model: Corsa Excite AC
Body: 5 Door Hatchback
BHP: 83.0
Engine Size: 1229
Year: 2014

Hi guys - I'm looking to install an auxiliary/parking heater on my 2014 Vauxhall Corsa Excite AC. Did a few searches on youtube (I'm a complete newbie) and quickly realised I wouldn't be able to do this myself. So I'm now looking for a garage that can install one for me. However, these damn things are really expensive!

So I have a couple of questions before I take the plunge:
- Is it relatively safe to buy a second hand auxiliary/parking heater?
- Couldn't find any specific auxiliary/parking heater for Vauxhall Corsa models. Will any auxiliary/parking heater fit? If not, what specs am I searching for my car model?
- What is most recommended, water or fuel auxiliary/parking heaters?

Any help much appreciated!


Re: Need advice installing an auxiliary/parking heater on Co

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 7:31 pm
by Nigel 206
Hmm...if you're referring to an independant heater, i.e. one that works without the engine running,
then a truck cab heater is what you want,however they are powered by diesel fuel. They are fairly small,and would fit somewhere, and probably easy to get from a truck breaker.
If this is not what you're talking about, then I don't understand what you need!

Re: Need advice installing an auxiliary/parking heater on Co

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 10:14 pm
by idkhow2diy
I have to ask - why? I'm guessing so your car is warm in winter so you can dive in and drive away - and therefore it's parked outside? I jus had a quick look at the first one of these Google found me and, strictly unqualified observations on my part, the one I spotted heats the engines coolant and circulates it somehow while running the fan and trickle charging the battery. There is an electric and a fuel version but each sounds horrible to fit, thus your finding of the expense. Leads me back to why... not doubting the reason just wondering! I spent many a winter in Montreal and no-one had anything like this, just dig off 4 foot of snow, run the car to de-mist and off to work. But that was 20 or so years ago.

Oh, and if you do, make absolutely sure you tell your insurers...

Re: Need advice installing an auxiliary/parking heater on Co

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:43 am
by Bob225
Not in the uk I take it, unless your in the middle of nowhere or the outer Hebrides there's no need

Webasto is one of the bigger manufactures, iirc they are the oem for Opel (harsh environment pack) what was never a option in the UK, on anything but special service vehicles, I may be able to look it up later

It may be cheaper to buy some thermals

Re: Need advice installing an auxiliary/parking heater on Co

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 5:30 pm
by Bob225
I have had a look at the Vauxhall epc

The heater system uses a Easystart R+ controller, the heater depends on your vin number, the most common on is a Eberspacher B5WS - Part No. 9272804 (heater only)

The Full kit inc controller is £1476 inc vat

eg. ... 2813-p2706