First of all you will have to decide what your budget will be as there are three main types ... ll-panels/
We fitted some pvc panels in a bathroom on a rental property and this is what we learnt ;
1. Watch plenty of you tube vids
2. Price up what you will need, ie, panels corner trim, end trim, ceiling trim, adhesive, silicone
3. Buy a fine cut saw
4. Your wall will not be plumb so you will need to cut the panels to fit
5. Measure at least twice , write the measurements down and cut once
6. Dry fit a panel at a time to make sure it is plumb and fits well
7. Don’t be mean with the adhesive
8. Buy a good quality sealant like Dow coning and don’t be mean with it
9. You will need a couple of workmate type benches to cut the panels
10. You really need two people to do the job
11. When weighing up the pros and cons , panels can be easier to fit but the cost against tiles may be the same.