Tiling onto hardboard - gone wrong

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Tiling onto hardboard - gone wrong

Post by Miff »

We have redecorated a pre-fab mobile which was an empty shell to start with.
first we nailed hardboard down on the floor and then put the stud walls etc up. We fitted the kitchen and then put floor tiles down. Thats where the problem lies.

The hardboard has 'bubbled' and now a few of the tiles move when you stand on them. :cb

The grout has also come off a few of the tiles due to the movement in the hardboard. Is there any way round this without having to lift the whole floor? We really dont want to do that as the kitchen looks really well.
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Post by big-all »

ooo dear miff

no expert but 9 or 12mm ply would have been a better base
hardboard is for lino and and other coverings that need a fairly flat but not nesiserily solid base
also water in the adhesive will make the hardboard expand and shrink
we are all ------------------still learning
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Post by Tryanything »

Hi Miff
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you may aswell take it up as it's
all going to be moving in the end
There would be less trouble in the world
if l had not had six daughters
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