Damp in the bedroom. DIY job

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Damp in the bedroom. DIY job

Post by syohan »

Hi there. Damp on wall facing garden near window. Just wanted to get some advice from people whether this could be a DIY job of
1. cleaning up myself with bleach
2. And then arranging better insulation

I am trying to figure out what the experts would do.

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Damp in the bedroom. DIY job

Post by Rorschach »

Is there normally a bed sitting up against that wall?
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Damp in the bedroom. DIY job

Post by Chemfree »

I`m guessing it`s a bungalow.....?
Black mold spores are not good for health.
Wear respirator type mask because of mold and neat bleach fumes.
Put bed in middle of room or against dry internal stud wall.
Check outside for leaking gutters/down-pipe and damage to brick pointing work. These can cause some real damp issues.
Check soil level is below damp-proof membrane and cut back any overgrown foliage. Have no items up against external or internal wall.
Some people dig out to a depth and fill border next to wall with loose grave, which has to be better than earth.Worked on my old cottage for last 20 yrs, but ask an expert. Check drainage exits away from wall. If water comes from the front, drainage may need to be put in place. Look at how your property sits with the lay of the land. I had to put drainage in when I moved here 23 years ago due to many damp issues. Dug out two main drainage channels. Fitted pipes on gravel layer.
The Dutch invented a special hollow brick(1980`s award), for old properties susceptible to damp. It is hollowed out with an internal bell-shaped condensing arrangement for the wind to wick away moisture. Designer got the idea after noting that redundant fireplaces, with operational flue, never had damp issue. These bricks replace standard bricks at regular interval in the problem area and apparently deal with the situation....not tried them myself.
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