Internet woes
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 6:14 pm
So, working from home today trying to order some stuff online for next week...
About 8 am internet goes down, red light on router. Do the normal, switch off router wait a few minutes, switch back on. Red light where it should be green.
Check all connections, reboot router again. Still got a red light.
Right better phone TalkTalk, find a customer service number in the file from when we first signed up with them (2010) call it on my landline which is working perfectly..
Automated call centre which after going through several options asks for my mobile number, given then told "we will contact you shortly"
By now it's about 9AM
TalkTalk send a text message to my mobile saying "how can we help"
I reply "No internet but phone line working" 15 minutes later text received "can you confirm your landline number and full name" Replied immediately ...
about 15 minutes later receive a text " we'll do some tests on your line and contact you once the tests have been completed"
half an hour later... "we have completed out tests and no fault found"
In the meantime I had completely disconnected the router and replaced with a known working router, just in case, Still no internet.
2 or 3 texts back and forth and by now its 11AM, I send a text saying "can't you just phone me ?*
Receive text back... No we can't we can only text message as we don't have any telephones please call xxxxx xxxxxxx if you wish to talk to one of our advisors
The xxxx xxxxxx number was different to the number I had originally called.
Called the new number and managed to speak to "Sally"... strange name for an indian woman. after about half an hour on the phone to her she informed me that there was a general internet outage in the area and that Openreach were working on it.
At about 5PM today Internet came back on, checked e-mail and talk talk had e-mailed me at 9.15 to say to call them on the newer number despite knowing I didn't have any internet access...
About 8 am internet goes down, red light on router. Do the normal, switch off router wait a few minutes, switch back on. Red light where it should be green.
Check all connections, reboot router again. Still got a red light.
Right better phone TalkTalk, find a customer service number in the file from when we first signed up with them (2010) call it on my landline which is working perfectly..
Automated call centre which after going through several options asks for my mobile number, given then told "we will contact you shortly"
By now it's about 9AM
TalkTalk send a text message to my mobile saying "how can we help"
I reply "No internet but phone line working" 15 minutes later text received "can you confirm your landline number and full name" Replied immediately ...
about 15 minutes later receive a text " we'll do some tests on your line and contact you once the tests have been completed"
half an hour later... "we have completed out tests and no fault found"
In the meantime I had completely disconnected the router and replaced with a known working router, just in case, Still no internet.
2 or 3 texts back and forth and by now its 11AM, I send a text saying "can't you just phone me ?*
Receive text back... No we can't we can only text message as we don't have any telephones please call xxxxx xxxxxxx if you wish to talk to one of our advisors
The xxxx xxxxxx number was different to the number I had originally called.
Called the new number and managed to speak to "Sally"... strange name for an indian woman. after about half an hour on the phone to her she informed me that there was a general internet outage in the area and that Openreach were working on it.
At about 5PM today Internet came back on, checked e-mail and talk talk had e-mailed me at 9.15 to say to call them on the newer number despite knowing I didn't have any internet access...