What is this water? Where is it from?

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What is this water? Where is it from?

Post by Janey1967 »

Hi everybody!

I have a brick /stone built shed - probably from the 1700s. The back of the shed is actually an earth bank behind the wall, right up to the roof! Inside it is cobbled,and has a mini atic created in it. The shed always has a 'damp' atmosphere, but has no apparent leaks from the roof, which is clay tile over felt. I have seen some condensation, but never any water leaks, even in the heaviest rain. There is also never any standing water or wet patches on the floor.

But there IS damp!

There is a workbench along one side, against the back wall... the front of it ALWAYS appears damp and wet / discoloured - even through the recent hot dry summer here in Devon. PLUS, in the min iatic, there are larger wet patches on the atic floor - but again only in one section.

My question is, are these patches possibly just from the damp air?

It is really confusing. Honestly I have NEVER seen a drop of water from the roof, and the felt is in good condition.
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What is this water? Where is it from?

Post by Rorschach »

That's a leak or condensation collecting on the underside of the roof and dripping down, damp air would never cause that.
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