Rising Damp in Conservatory Wall

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Rising Damp in Conservatory Wall

Post by allesclar »

Hello all,

New to forum but need some advice.

I have attached some photos which show the colour of brickwork. (please excuse the mess).

Long story short, the outside brickwork, below the damp proof liner, does get wet when it rains but the bricks above the damp proof course outside dont get soaked. Inside the conservatory, the mortor seems to get wet but only in two particular corners, the corners not next to the house (see pictures).

It is block paving (only 2 years old for some of it, before it was just mud) all the way around and there is a down pipe (conservatory roof only) which goes to a soak away.

I am trying to understand how this can be happening as the brick level inside the conservatory is higher than that of the damp proof liner, could something be bridging the walls inside the cavity?

A friend has suggested using a wall coater to stop the bricks outside from absorbing the water, but i dont know if this is just masking a potential issue?

Apologies if i have some of the terminology wrong.

Thanks for any ideas.
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