Acrylic sheet can easily be glued, using the correct glue or cement. Perspex® from Lucite® can be glued with Tensol cement which is clear and has excellent light transmission properties thus you can glue Perspex® together and, as long as it is done correctly you will not see the join!

There are two types of Tensol cement available, one is ready mixed and is suitable for indoor use, the other is a two component mix and can be used outside also.

Here is a demonstration of how to use Tensol 70, which is the two component cement.

Tensol cement

Firstly Obtain the correct quantities of the two components

Mix Tensol cement

Mix the correct quantities together in a clean non plastic jar, A glass Jam jar is perfect.


This will introduce bubbles into the mixture, cover the cement and leave for 5 minutes for the air bubbles to disappear.


pour cement onto perspex

Pour the cement onto the Perspex®


Spread out the Tensol cement

Spread the cement out using a clean off cut of Perspex®.

Apply weight or clamp

Place a Weight the two pieces or clamp them together and leave for at least 24 hours. After this time the two pieces will be laminated together.

