Home office Desk ideas

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Home office Desk ideas

Post by Swainy »

After shopping around for computer desks, I can't help but think I could probably do something bespoke for a lot less money.

I've sketched out a couple of desk plans - has anyone got any inspirational tips or pointers?

It's my first attempt at furniture making, so it could be fun!

Just for a bit more info, it's for a small room, 2mx2m, I'm going to have 2 desks, each with a PC, a shared printer, a couple of shelves.
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Post by moon133 »

Be original in design. It hides the flaws!

If it looks like something you could buy, it'll be compared to something you could buy. Even by you.

If it's a design you'd never or rarley see in the shops, you see it as a unique feature, and not worry about any little flaws in it.

I'm going to build a desk myself soon. I've designed 2 identical side supports, and a wood frame with X braces, all bevelled, with an opaque Perspex top. The monitor stand is going to be a mini version of the desk (Proberly the design model I make to test the design (waste not want not!))

If I ever get the time to make it I'll post pictures.
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Post by honeymonster »

Is this any use?
desk1.jpg (29.84 KiB) Viewed 3682 times
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Post by Rich-Ando »

i suppose it makes a difference to what and how you make them depending on what you think you will install eventually. in other words leave scope m8.

i had the same problem when looking for a desk, they do not design a reasonable one to fit my requirements so i made my own a few years back.

i have a lot of joinery tools anyway so it wasn't hard for me, it will depend on what you have as to weather it's worth you atempting it or not, it could work out more costly by the time you have taken your labour hours into consideration.

Tips i found: -

i bought myself pine planking (600mm wide sheets of solid pine)
biscuit joint the cut pieces togther so no screws on show.
i found the use of the roller bearing draw sliders better use than the cheapo ones as sometimes you can lean on your keyboard too hard and the cheap ones just break.
make sure you leave yourself enough room to add a draw or stand up cupboard. all the stationary/little bits & pieces need a home.
i made mine in 3 box sections and a lid to fit as worktop.
if you have access to a "trimmer" it finishes the edges off nicely.
used a palm sander on all surfaces and then i coated it with Ronseal Diamond H.

its 2 meters wide, 600 deep by 760 high.
this easily house both pc monitors, 1 set of speakers & a printer on the top.
underneath i get two seats with full legroom, both pc towers and my little 19" sub woofer 8-)

the only advice i would have is to put some kind of sponge between the top & the box units underneath before clamping them down, if you are thinking of having a speaker system that thumps. if not you end up with vibrations.

let us see how you get on with some pics plz, am interested.
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Post by Swainy »

Cheers for the replies.

Honeymonster, that would probably dominate the whole room, but I like the idea of the cupboards.

Rich-Ando, I have a fair stock of under-used power tools which I'm looking forward to blowing the dust off.

For raw materials, I spent the weekend looking through my timber stock: I have some Ikea pine wood shelving that is surplus to requirements (it seemed like a good idea at the time) along with some other pine timber that I have from other shelving.

I'm going for 2 desks, both 1800mm wide, 600mm deep, and around 700-800mm height (TBD). Apart from the height, those size are determined by the materials - Since there are 2 desks, then this will be ample.

I'm not too fond of keyboard shelves, but I'm thinking of adding them - mainly as I have an USB Drawing tablet that currently dominates the desk surface.

Both PCs are mini towers which I will put on a shelf, so that the CD/DVD trays and USB ports are reachable without too much bending down, above that, I'll have a shelf/draw about 300mm wide so I can fit an A4 ring binder in there.

For extra shelving, I'm going to have wall mounted shelving for files. Then I'll have some remains of the Ikea shelving to have the printer between the two desks, with room for paper storage, media and cables etc.

I already have two matching desk lamps for lighting, and If I get the shelving that I can picture in my head... I might have some downlights.

I'm useless at drawing (even with the graphics tablets) otherwise I'd share the sketches.

I'll make a start in July, I'll try and capture the results and post them here if it's looking good.
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Post by dewaltdisney »

Go around the stores like Ikea and MFI. Staples have quite a few on show as well. These will give you ideas and you can see how they are made and copy one. Some of the Staples ones are probably cheaper than it would cost to but the materials. It might pay to use this as a shell and enhace it to suit by adding bits.

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Post by big-all »

i have built several[3] and planed 3 more for specific areas

best starting point the kitchen table to work out how the layout will work
mark the table with the width and depth avalable
place all the components within the confines and see how it works

plan on at least one 4 socket lead in the knee well and one on top with a conveniant cable route to the top
by having the socket in the knee well you will keep the cables mostly off the floor

try and plan the stack in the knee well on a shelve to bring the height up for coveniance

things you need to keep in mind

cable runs that are convenient but hidden as much as possible
make shure the cables reach and have enough slack to pull or turn things for access

make shure all components will work where you put them lids will stayup on photo copying or room to get paper in or out for example

plan to use cupboards or shelves at each end to support the top and give rigidity over just legs going to the floor
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Post by Wood Magnet »

Think about the height of the chair you'll be using so your legs fit under. :wink:
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Post by big-all »

pitbull wrote:Think about the height of the chair you'll be using so your legs fit under. :wink:
yep spot on plus will the arms fit under if you wish to store the chair underneath :grin:
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Post by handimick »

2mx2m Take away 1200 worth of desks, be a bit tight for the chair????
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