Fitting skirting boards....(again)

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Fitting skirting boards....(again)

Post by kregler »

I'm nearing the end of renovating my lounge (6 months down the line!!) and am at the skirting stage.

I was initially going to keep the old 169mm bullnose/pencil skirting but found this very difficult to source. We've now decided to change the skirting to one which is more readily available (ogee) as when we do each room out we will always encouonter the same problem.

My problem now is this....

We had two walls replastered and once we decided to take off the rest of the skirting we were left with a 6" gap where the skirting was. I've replastered this with one coat but now when I offer up the skirting there are a few big gaps.

This is down to wonky walls, my substandard plastering and the fact that the skirting has bowed length ways. What would be the best way to fit this to the wall to reduce the amount of gap?

I was going to use No More Nails but I'm think now I won't be able to get the pressure across the whole board to control the bowing. What about screwing them into the plaster/masonry?

Would it look wierd if I fitted the boards as best as I could with No More Nails and then fit a thin bit of beading to cover up the big gaps?

I'm so nearly complete in the room and can't wait to have a lounge!!! New sofa and plasma is waiting to be set up!!!!!!
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Post by ultimatehandyman »

I'd use a combination of no more nails and screws/plugs, then fill any gaps with a flexible caulk.
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