wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scribe?

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wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scribe?

Post by guitardedleon »

ready for when I install a kitchen this weekend I wanted to run a few things past you guys on here.
Ill likely have a couple questions over the next few days.. firstly. the walls.

the back wall in the kitchen with a window in is not straight horizontally
its high point is in the middle and each side runs out to 18mm to left and 25mm to right.

whats the best way to overcome this?
had two ideas, not sure which is correct though.

1. assemble all of that run, level them all together and clamp together. about an inch from their final spot.

then once all leveled and straightened & clamped
slide them to the wall and then scribe the service void so they follow the wall and remain flush and level when installed.

2. just simply level and flush up the units 1 by 1. clamp and screw and put into position
leaving the gap.

only problem with that would be the worktop.
Id have to scribe up to 25-28mm from the worktop leaving no overhang at all?!
wall.jpg (6.02 KiB) Viewed 6194 times
wall bows toward middle vertically
WALL2.jpg (13.37 KiB) Viewed 6194 times
wall is out and runs off quite a fair bit.
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Re: wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scr

Post by big-all »

are you tiling the wall
sometimes with removing plaster at the high point and with the tiles you wont need much or any removed
we are all ------------------still learning
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Re: wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scr

Post by darrenba »

Definitely go with the 1st option, you need to scribe the service void to the wall so the tops of the units are touching the wall, otherwise you'll have a whole heap of issues when you come to fit the worktop.
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Re: wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scr

Post by guitardedleon »

cheers guys.

ill put my spirit level against the wall and take pics so you can see.

I was shocked at how badly out the walls were especially as they have all been rendered and skimmed this week!

one other point.. when scribing ill only get the "top" scribe profile.
as in the top of the cabinets. not the bottom.

Im thinking to cut the scribe out to about an inch deep in the voids
then just chop off the void - well past the deepest point of the scribe anyway below that point? if I make sense?

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Re: wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scr

Post by Colour Republic »

Would need to see a full kitchen plan before any advice could be given as by going for either option could cause other problems down the line
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Re: wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scr

Post by guitardedleon »

Could you recommend a software to sketch one up on accurately?

I draw all my kitchens on paper, old fashioned way.
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Re: wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scr

Post by Colour Republic »

take a picture of that, it's the layout more than anything rather than spot on measurements :salute: .

What make is the kitchen and what worktops are you having (i.e. laminate, solid timber, corian, granite...) That will help too ;)
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Re: wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scr

Post by Colour Republic »

By the way try KitchenDraw as a good freebie
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Re: wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scr

Post by guitardedleon »

done the best I could do.

its accurate as I could get it (within 4mm)

im no good with CAD or similar tools.

but here is a very basic plan..
kp1 (Large).jpg
kp1 (Large).jpg (47.04 KiB) Viewed 6072 times
kp2 (Large).jpg
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Re: wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scr

Post by guitardedleon »


B&Q: IT range - Flat Pack

B&Q: White Cashmere Laminate - 3.6m

I dont live in the house. so have very limited pics. but ill upload some for reference.

bare with me.
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Re: wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scr

Post by guitardedleon »

20121220_153757 (Large).jpg
20121220_153757 (Large).jpg (61.03 KiB) Viewed 6066 times
about the only one that will show anything.
hope this helps slightly


the corner unit in the plan will be in the left corner below the window
that should help you know whats what & where.
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Re: wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scr

Post by Colour Republic »

Ok what about wall units? any at all? if so do are they in an L format like the bases?

Also which wall is bowed? the one wih the oven or the washing machine?
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Re: wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scr

Post by guitardedleon »

Colour Republic wrote:Ok what about wall units? any at all? if so do are they in an L format like the bases?

Also which wall is bowed? the one wih the oven or the washing machine?
the owners havent decided so was left out of plan
will be 2x400 most likely above the 925 corner unit , next to the extractor hood above hob.
due to there being an extractor vent ( see pic - top left, window wall ) the wall units will not return along window wall

problem wall is the window wall
however both walls do bow/run out

the window wall is the worse one though.
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Re: wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scr

Post by Colour Republic »

That really is a huge amount over such a short distance.

You can't scribe that much out of the units for 2 reasons.

1) On the oven wall I assume there will be a hob above. If you reduce the depth of the units that much you will have problems with the hob. There is normally 35mm of worktop back and front left after a hob has been installed so to reduce by 28mm you'll have nothing left

2) You can't really scribe that much off the washing machine wall either as the washing machine will stick out the front. Although you do have more chance on this wall but take full measurements of the washing machine to see what you can get away with, taking in to account of course any pipes that need to run behind.

You have a few options

Pack the units out (so option 1 of your OP) then instead of worktops buy breakfast bars. This can work out expensive. Some Worktop manufactuers also do double sided worktops which are 650mm deep. This would sort out your problems and the only thing that still might throw a spanner in the works is the end panel which goes on the side of the oven. Most major kitchens supply end panels 650 deep so you can scribe to the wall but a budget range like B&Q iT may only supply 600mm deep decor panels in which case you'll need to cover the gap where you packed the units out

Or you could still pack out useing 616mm worktops and the last 10mm or so that needs to be covered can be done with matching laminate upstands to your worktop.
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Re: wall runs off between 18-25mm from middle to sides - scr

Post by guitardedleon »

Colour Republic wrote:That really is a huge amount over such a short distance.

You can't scribe that much out of the units for 2 reasons.

1) On the oven wall I assume there will be a hob above. If you reduce the depth of the units that much you will have problems with the hob. There is normally 35mm of worktop back and front left after a hob has been installed so to reduce by 28mm you'll have nothing left

2) You can't really scribe that much off the washing machine wall either as the washing machine will stick out the front. Although you do have more chance on this wall but take full measurements of the washing machine to see what you can get away with, taking in to account of course any pipes that need to run behind.

You have a few options

Pack the units out (so option 1 of your OP) then instead of worktops buy breakfast bars. This can work out expensive. Some Worktop manufactuers also do double sided worktops which are 650mm deep. This would sort out your problems and the only thing that still might throw a spanner in the works is the end panel which goes on the side of the oven. Most major kitchens supply end panels 650 deep so you can scribe to the wall but a budget range like B&Q iT may only supply 600mm deep decor panels in which case you'll need to cover the gap where you packed the units out

Or you could still pack out useing 616mm worktops and the last 10mm or so that needs to be covered can be done with matching laminate upstands to your worktop.

sadly everything is on site already.

600mm worktop etc all there.

is there no-hope then?

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