How hard can cooking be??

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How hard can cooking be??

Post by wine~o »

Verwood Handyman


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Re: How hard can cooking be??

Post by BillyGoat »

Where is the guide to making that chillie????

BG :scratch:
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Re: How hard can cooking be??

Post by moderator6 »

Very good :thumbright:

But I don't understand - what is this word 'leftovers'?

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Re: How hard can cooking be??

Post by joinerjohn »

Breaking News,,, My next door neighbour can't cook. :shock: :shock: As I type, there's 3 fire engines and an ambulance outside. Silly blugger put his chip pan on then fell asleep. (drunk again) Neighbour above me only saw the smoke when he was taking his wife to work. Neighbour's lucky it was spotted. I hate to think what could have happened had it not been noticed. :shock: :shock:
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Try this recipe...I've made it tonight....

Post by happy handyman »

As part of my Diet.....this is one of the recipes's delicious......not like your normal diets.......even Moderator6 will have leftovers... :lol:

Try it....

This is a fantastic curry recipe to tempt even the most ardent carnivores away from meat. Butternut squash is like the meat of the vegetable kingdom.
You will need:
1kg (2lb) of mixed vegetables (like those in the vegetarian chilli) chopped into 1″ squares,
1 large butternut squash, peeled, deseeded and cut into 1 inch squares,
3 large onions,
4 cloves garlic,
2 x 400ml tins of chopped tomatoes,
1 pint vegetable stock,
100g (3.5oz) block of creamed coconut,
2 teaspoons each of turmeric, cumin, paprika, coriander, chilli powder, curry powder (medium or hot depending on your preference),
Olive oil for cooking,
What you do with all this:
Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan and then lightly fry the onions and garlic for 15-20 minutes until transparent (do not brown).
Transfer this mixture to a side dish then heat some more olive oil in the same pan and put in all the spices and lightly fry for 2-3 minutes.
Put the onion mix back in the pan with the spices and mix thoroughly.
Add the tinned tomatoes and vegetable stock and bring to the boil. Simmer for 5 minutes then remove from the heat and allow the mixture to cool slightly before blending it into a smooth mixture.
Return the mixture to the heat and stir in the coconut block until it is completely dissolved.
You now have a delicious curry sauce to which you can add all the vegetables. Put the lid on the saucepan and simmer gently until the vegetables are cooked to your liking (about 30 minutes).

Makes a massive pan enough for two days........don't bother blending anything......but you could the next day to take for your lunch !( as soup)
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Re: Try this recipe...I've made it tonight....

Post by moderator6 »

I got as far as this bit:
happy handyman wrote:This is a fantastic curry recipe to tempt even the most ardent carnivores away from meat.
And decided you was right, I deffo would have leftovers :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: How hard can cooking be??

Post by joinerjohn »

I reckon that's what my next door neighbour was attempting to cook. Fire engines have gone now , although there's a lone ambulance outside. Think they might be pumping his stomach. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: How hard can cooking be??

Post by happy handyman »

Nothing stopping you frying off any meat of your choice and adding it :mrgreen:
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Re: Try this recipe...I've made it tonight....

Post by joinerjohn »

But won't then,,,
happy handyman wrote: tempt even the most ardent carnivores away from meat.

:lol: :lol:
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Re: How hard can cooking be??

Post by moderator6 »

Just had a quick gander at your recipe Happy H, looks nice but you can't do an Indian without Garam Masala and chillie flakes not powder please :sad:
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Re: How hard can cooking be??

Post by happy handyman »

Moderator6 ....I see your hardcore.......this is actually what I used ! As well as fresh green chilli....but I've toned it down for generic consumption.

Nice one !
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