ok that time off year get you isas in

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Re: ok that time off year get you isas in

Post by big-all »

aeromech3 wrote:£80.27 @5%
£520.50 @ 9%
Guessing a Tradesmans wage would have been about £20/week back then!?
slightly different to what i make it but within margins as in i got £76.55 but i didnt count the first year as its only actually 49 years not 50 and got 80.37 for 50y
and 477 at 9% which again is 519.95 :thumbright:
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Re: ok that time off year get you isas in

Post by Inky Pete »

This is the Asia Pacific fund I've got, through a dealing company called Best Invest:-

http://www.bestinvest.co.uk/investment- ... a/overview

Only got about £5K in it, but as you can see it's beaten any deposit account or cash ISA hands down! Running costs of the fund are actually zero, the investment company (Aberdeen) pay commision to Best Invest.

Next year I plan to diversify a bit. I'll leave that £5K in Asia and have overborrowed on my next mortgage deal by £10K which I'll split between a UK Smaller Companies Fund and probably a South America or USA Fund. The over borrowing is at a fixed 2.75%, so the investments don't have to perform anything like as well as they have been doing for me to still turn a significant profit.

The key to this sort of investing is time. Don't invest money you're going to need to get your hands on in the near or middle term. Any Fund can drop a significant chunk of its value almost overnight, but if you hold your nerve and can sit it out for a year or two then they almost always recover strongly and show a decent profit in the end.
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Re: ok that time off year get you isas in

Post by big-all »

thanks for the link
i have around 30k but need about 20k as a safe amount to supplement my railway pension till state pension age the actual amount will probably be nearer 10k with another 10k covering all eventualities

so if we assume say 7% year on year for for 6 years on 10k its 14k - 2.5% is 1367 the same 10k at an average 3% is 1159 so the 2k difference is quite enticing

may consider 5k as that would just inconvenience me [p155 me off] if i lost it on a fixed term

is it fixed term investment or can you take profits at intervals
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Re: ok that time off year get you isas in

Post by big-all »

big-all wrote:0.35% increase in allowance waweee :lol: :lol:

inky peat i would be interested to look but unlikely to invest as the money i invest would be less than 10k as thats all i can afford to loose before my state pension in 6 years time
what are the annual running costs are they fixed no matter what you invest variable on amount or a mixture off both :thumbright:
ok just realised my mistake :lol: :lol:

its a £120 not £20 so just over 2% :lol:
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Re: ok that time off year get you isas in

Post by Mooncat »

Had a cash ISA for just a year with the full amount in it, with LloydsTSB at 2.35%. If I leave it there, am I likely to get the same rate next 12 months. I may need the money for a static van to live in for my self build though.
I started out with nothing, I still have most of it.

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