I went shopping at Tesco today, and after I had used the self-service (to the annoyance of most in que as they thought I had no place using self-service with a big trolly - well, more tills should have been opened), I paid my shopping bill and after the receipt, another ''receipt'' followed. I was intending to bin it without looking at it when I got out of shop as I thought it was something like ...'get £10 off your next shopping if you spend £80'. Or something in that line.
It read in these lines: After checking your shopping bill, it has been realised that had you shopped somewhere else, you would have saved £1.20. As a result, we are giving you a £1.20 voucher towards your next shopping'.
Really? Why not just deduct the amount from the bill? I think this is just a SCAM to get you back. How many other stores are going down this route