Undersink Plumbing Showcase

Questions about fitting kitchens in here please

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Undersink Plumbing Showcase

Post by Tesla »

Hi all,

Have fitted a couple of kitchens now and feel I have room to improve my under-sink plumbing arrangement, hot and cold feeds and sink and appliance waste. Usually an outside tap is added in to the mix too!

Refitting my own kitchen at present, the sink is housed on a 600mm base with a dishwasher and washing machine immediately either side.

Photos of your own install would be very handy and a good reference point for other forum members I think.

Of course I'll add my own in due course.

Many thanks!
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Job and Knock
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Re: Undersink Plumbing Showcase

Post by Job and Knock »

Main things I'd say are to make sure that all the feeds have in-line isolators (checks), use stainless steel braided flexibles to the taps and make sure that you have any necessary earth bonding straps in place. Can't say I've ever taken a photograph of an undersink I've done - potential clients generally aren't that interested in the "back of house" stuff!
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