Foghorn Leghorn

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Foghorn Leghorn

Post by Stoday »

Went to my butcher for a chicken for tonight's dinner. No chickens left but does have Xmas special cockerels.

These are big f'koff birds, 11lb dressed. Hatched in April spent the summer in fields near to Ipswich shagging chickens. Now my butcher's chickens are much tastier than supermarket chickens. They can spend time outside and grow more slowly. The farm's local. Dosn't bother calling them organic - no point because plenty of repeat customers who can't find anything even comparable elsewhere.

I've got a decent Claret to drink with this big f'ker. I'll tell you about it after I've eaten it (along with others of course!).
I should be dead; I've cheated the Grim Reaper yet again by surviving my third heart attack in June.
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Post by Bludall »

I bet it'll be very tasty Stods.

The two large fowl Cuckoo Maran cockerels that my children incubated last year then had to send to my dad's in the country (too noisy for the neighbours)were sadly done in just before Christmas because they were too protective and were vicious when they were being fed. Cuckoo Marans lay gorgeous brown shelled eggs but also make tasty casseroles! My mum slow cooked them in her Rayburn and said they were very good indeed. I can understand why they used to have fighting cocks as a sport they're evil when they're protecting the flock.

My boys! Bumfluff and Bigbird (Kids' choice of names!)
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Post by Stoday »

It was very tasty. Lots of juice from it, so made superb gravy too. Everyone scoffed as much as they could & there was still a lot left over.
I should be dead; I've cheated the Grim Reaper yet again by surviving my third heart attack in June.

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