Thanks for the advice, both of you. Excellent as always
So I picked it up this morning and right out of the box it seems to be spot on!
Checked it 90 and 45, all good. Used a trend digital angle finder, tight squeeze but managed.
Fiddly to bolt the handles on (thick fingers and no glasses didn't help, finally put on me specs and with small nose pilers got the buggers on).
It is compact and light and through this week I will see how it performs? Got quite a bit of framing to do, 4x2, so will let you know.
Thinking back, this is the first 'yellow' power tool I have ever bought!! Mainly always used Makita. But since the 'gremlins' visited all I have left of that is 3 x 3ah batts, impact, combi, vacuum and radio

and of course the now added jigsaw recently purchased by EDF Energy for me (which feels so very much more natural than a D handle, will add to that thread once I have used the Collins Coping Foot).
Anyway, thanks guys.