Waterproof skim coat for wet room

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Waterproof skim coat for wet room

Post by Puma »

I don't like the idea of tiles or plastic board and want to use a waterproof skim coat for my shower room and to also use it for the floor. So something for swimming pools or sommut. I did find a South American product for this and a couple of others but nothing I seem to be able to buy from the internet from this country. Any tips welcome. Ideally it would come in colours, though I do have some pigments here.
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Re: Waterproof skim coat for wet room

Post by London mike 61 »

I think what you need is Venetian plaster, just type ‘ Venetian plaster bathroom ‘ into google and click on the images tag and scroll through the many colours and uses.

As for finding a plasterer that specialises in this work , I would look on the plasterers forum;


You may have to register to be able to post a request on the public asking for plasterers section and there are bound to be one that covers the area you live. You are warned though that the forum language and banter can be a bit lively but you will get help.
I don’t know what your budget is or how much per square metre they charge but if you are set on having that type of finish then the cost will be worth it.

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Re: Waterproof skim coat for wet room

Post by Puma »

Hi Mike, I think Venetian plasters are great and I have seen them in a bathroom or two. They often give them a wax finish and basically they'll last forever, with some splash and moisture resistance. The shower room I have does need a bit of an upgrade over Venetian plaster in that it will get really soaked. I'll have a look on the Plasterers forum, cheers.
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