Blown gasket - to repair or not to repair

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Blown gasket - to repair or not to repair

Post by leaf1717 »

Hi all,

I'm hoping you guys can advise me on what you'd do in my situation.

I'm pretty certain that the gasket has gone on my 2008 petrol Peugeot 207. The coolant gradually goes down (drops from max to min line in around 2 months of normal use) and there's a milky substance under the oil filler cap. I've already used K-seal but it hasn't helped.

It's got 55K miles on the clock and I only do 5-6K a year.

It would only be worth around £1-£1.5K without this issue, so I imagine a lot less with it. If you guys were in my position, would you continue to run it and top up coolant/replace oil every few months until she sadly dies or would you get rid of it whilst it still has at least a bit of value left in it?

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Blown gasket - to repair or not to repair

Post by aeromech3 »

Unless you doughnut and burn rubber or have ever seen her overheat due no coolant, I don't think the head gasket should have gone in 55k; due your low use likely the condensation in the engine is not getting cleared hence the oil cap; what is an added indicator is froth in the water, as oil pressure is higher than coolant when the engine is running, have you checked for leaks prior k-seal?
Hope Bob will be along soon to give his valid opinion.
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Blown gasket - to repair or not to repair

Post by sx_turbo »

It could be the coolant pump.

You can get a coolant leak detection dye, I would advise getting this cost is around 20-30 quid.

If the dye changes to yellow/green then the head gasket is gone.

If it doesn't change its the water pump or radiator or heater matrix or maybe a pipe or flange leaking
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