Garden centre plant guarantees

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Garden centre plant guarantees

Post by pjontheroadagain »

Does anyone have experience of the plant guarantees offered by garden centres? What sort of trees/plants do they cover and for how long?

I'd like to buy a palm tree, but it's a big expense - and a gamble if it dies!

I've googled ---' website, which says their guarantee covers 'hardy' trees and plants, but I don't know if a palm tree would be considered hardy.

(I can't phone to ask because they're currently closed for the lockdown!)

thanks all

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Garden centre plant guarantees

Post by Someone-Else »

IMO garden centres are there to make money, if you want something like a palm tree, I would suggest you go to a specialist where I am sure (I hope so) they would give you good advice BEFORE you buy anything.
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Garden centre plant guarantees

Post by ayjay »

One day it will all be firewood.
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