After a long work week I sat down in the kitchen looking forward to the weekend only to notice some mould on the kitchen toe kick and further discovered mostly green mould all at the back of a corner cabinet, as well as some dusting on the bottom insides of various other cabinets as well as other spots. The worst hit spot seemed to have some shiny water droplet type mould that seemed very alien.
There goes my relaxing weekend

as I will mould spray and remove as much a possible, fog spray it (sanigone), then install some 50mm round vents around the sides/backs (nothing in the doors though) as-well as a toe kick vent to try and give it some air flow.
The corner part is against an external wall but I didn’t have this issue last year so what other issues could it be and any other remedies I can try out to help control it? I did have a leak from the sink about 6 months ago which caused a large puddle but I dried it up quickly, although maybe it spread more thank I thought.
There is also traces around under the cabinets and as said light dusting inside other cabinets on the bottom.

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