Proper fibre

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Proper fibre

Post by Someone-Else »

Had an email from BT they are saying I can now have "full fibre" if I want. Not phoned up yet so no idea how much. I will let you know.

Background info.
I am on BT fibre broadband, but it is fibre to the local cabinet, and copper wires from there to my house. Couple of weeks ago? subbies were up the BT pole over the road for a couple of days, so I went over and asked, he showed me, they are putting fibre up to the pole, and getting it ready for me, my neighbours etc, he was in the process of setting up single fibres for each house, he did say BT will offer it to me soon, guess they just have.
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Proper fibre

Post by aeromech3 »

They are doing the same around my area, some cutting of footpaths to meet up with poles in different roads; as stated before, my mate in Fetham has a new pole outside but running a new cable to his house will cause some clutter when he wants to get to his gutters. The boxes on these poles do seem to be a bit low and a temptation for vandals, as was the case with the green colour VM (NTL) ground level boxes.
My house and the 13 others in my Close do not have poles, but Virgin underground and so I am not sure if BT will offer full fibre in the near future.
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Proper fibre

Post by Beav »

Aim was to have everyone on full fibre by 2025 but they have since said that won't be achieveble. The aim is to get everyone on full fibre over the coming years though as they replace the copper lines.
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Proper fibre

Post by Someone-Else »

Just wondering, why are you replying now? I only posted that OVER a YEAR ago (12 Oct 2023, 19:52)
Above are my opinions Below is my signature.

Would you hit a nail with a shoe because you don't have a hammer? of course not, then why work on anything electrical without a means of testing Click Here to buy a "tester" just because it works, does NOT mean it is safe.

:mrgreen: If gloom had a voice, it would be me.

:idea1: Click Here for a video how to add/change pictures

Inept people use the QUOTE BUTTON instead of the QUICK REPLY section :-)
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Proper fibre

Post by Beav »

Someone-Else wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2024 12:20 pm Just wondering, why are you replying now? I only posted that OVER a YEAR ago (12 Oct 2023, 19:52)
Just trying to provide help. To be honest the post was quite high up the page so didn't expect it to be as old
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