Outdoor socket

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Outdoor socket

Post by Daskoyne »

How do all. I would like a little advice on the following if anyone would be kind enough to help?
I am wanting to fit a double socket on an external wall in the back garden but I don't have any internal sockets sitting on these walls to spur off. I recently got new fibre and they fitted their gear near where i would like to put my socket. It required 2 plug sockets inside for their box and the WiFi hub. As such I have a 4 way running from an adjacent wall to power this with spare sockets. I was thinking I could just fit the box on the outside wall, run the cable inside, fit a standard plug, and connect to the 4 way (essentially creating a fixed external extension). Might not be the prettiest, but this is in a corner where it wouldn't be seen and would be easier than chasing wiring into the wall to connect to an existing socket.
Any downsides to doing it this way or any better suggestions? I'm not creating a new circuit, so I don't believe I'm falling foul of any current regs and can do this myself?
I'd also appreciate some advice on gear. I've seen a basic outdoor double socket on screwfix for £9.99 (British General IP66). Would this be ok or is there something better out there? (Can't post the link unfortunately)
Any recommendations to tidy the inside entry point? I was looking at these cable entry covers usually used for aerials, or maybe one of these cover plate things? (Can't post links again)
Any advice greatly appreciated. I don't want to do a cowboy job, but I also don't want to do something overcomplicated for the sake of it! And just to clarify, this is just to power some fence lights and occasionally the odd power tool.
Thanks in advance.
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Outdoor socket

Post by Someone-Else »

Do your current sockets have RCD protection? if you are not sure, a picture of your consumers unit should help.
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Outdoor socket

Post by Daskoyne »

Hi SE. Yeah current sockets have RCD so I assume it's not required on the external socket I chose? Thanks
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Outdoor socket

Post by Someone-Else »

That is correct, but "Just because it works" does not mean it is safe. I would not suggest as you propose, but it is up to you.
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Would you hit a nail with a shoe because you don't have a hammer? of course not, then why work on anything electrical without a means of testing Click Here to buy a "tester" just because it works, does NOT mean it is safe.

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Outdoor socket

Post by Rorschach »

If your outdoor socket is attached to a plug then as you say it is nothing more than an extension lead. I did the same thing for my own outdoor socket.
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