Best soluble weed killer?

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Re: Best soluble weed killer?

Post by steviejoiner74 »

I think you are wrong vino,creosote as it's known in Scotland anyway is no more and was defo called creosote. There was a creosote works a few miles from me that's closed now that made the stuff,it was made from wood tar or coal tar which was in abundance in Fife with the amount of pits and sawmills.
This stuff was the dogs b*llocks,if you treated your shed or fence with it it lasted for many years.
Only problem was it came in one colour(black) it stank for months,was highly poisonous and killed any form of plant life near it.
The guy that stayed next door to me worked at the creosote works and had drums of it,all stashed from his time their and had it for years after it was banned. The stuff he gave me years ago has just ran out,hence the need for decent weedkiller!
Carpentry,I can explain it to you but I cannot understand it for you.
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Re: Best soluble weed killer?

Post by wine~o »

steviejoiner74 wrote:I think you are wrong vino,creosote as it's known in Scotland anyway is no more
That is the point I was trying to make. Creosote is no longer available due it's cancer causing properties ...
Some bright spark came up with the trade name Creocote to make people think that they were buying the old fashioned stuff...

Still let's not start a :violent3:
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Re: Best soluble weed killer?

Post by steviejoiner74 »

It's still available,just not to joe public. Farmers,industrial fencers and the folk that make and put up the huge telephone poles and the like still use it.
Anyway,I've ordered a pack of the stuff argyll linked up and we'll see how it fairs,a tenner for 5 litres once mixed better be worth the £££!
I did find a marvellous product for algae,moss and lichen called spray and leave. Awesome stuff,it gets rid of the green algae from decking and fencing in a day or two completely and it kills the moss dead in about a week
Carpentry,I can explain it to you but I cannot understand it for you.
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Re: Best soluble weed killer?

Post by Retired »


A few years ago I bought 25L of Creoseal this being Creosote substitute; it was rubbish. About two years ago whilst at Rufforth Auto Jumble I bought 25L of genuine Creosote according to the container but this too is rubbish; it doesn't smell like Creosote and it's now turning gooey in the plastic container making it unusable in fact I'll dispose of it at our local tip because the stuff isn't worth storing. I think its nothing more than Creoseal but with Creosote labels. The company who make Creoseal also make genuine Creosote but this can only be bought under licence? Proper creosote has a powerful smell and when I was a kid every home seemed to have a gallon kicking around.

I'm sick of modern rubbish put out as shed and fence treatment; in spite of all the hype saying it does what it says on the tin well it does until the next shower of rain. Tanalised timber will usually last 25 years without further treatment?

Kind regards, Col.
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Re: Best soluble weed killer?

Post by Argyll »

steviejoiner74 wrote:I think you are wrong vino,creosote as it's known in Scotland anyway is no more and was defo called creosote. There was a creosote works a few miles from me that's closed now that made the stuff,it was made from wood tar or coal tar which was in abundance in Fife with the amount of pits and sawmills.
This stuff was the dogs b*llocks,if you treated your shed or fence with it it lasted for many years.
Only problem was it came in one colour(black) it stank for months,was highly poisonous and killed any form of plant life near it.
The guy that stayed next door to me worked at the creosote works and had drums of it,all stashed from his time their and had it for years after it was banned. The stuff he gave me years ago has just ran out,hence the need for decent weedkiller!
We used to run on top of the garages when I was wee. My mam used to ask me if I had been up the garages but I always denied it. I was covered in it form head to toe!!!
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Re: Best soluble weed killer?

Post by Argyll »

I've just discovered ammonium sulphamate is not banned per-se. It's banned for use as a herbicide but you can still buy it as a compost accelerator. Another one of the EU's weird rules.

I also discovered it kills everything in sight but into a harmless chemical 9 weeks after spraying so it causes no permanent soil damage unlike diesel etc.
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