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Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 7:21 pm
by bobbie-dazzler
Bludall wrote:I know what Bobbie looks like and it is a very good likeness! :thumbright:

Yep, she's not far wrong. :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 7:30 pm
by bobbie-dazzler
Stoday wrote:Your avatar is a projection of the image you would like people to know you by.

This way, some seek long lost youth, others a forgotten ambition. Some blokes project their feminine side with piccies of fluffy cats, some their masculin side with dogs. Panlid just wants to be a sweetie (!). Me? I'm Stoday. :grin:

Hmmmm, I suppose there is a grain of truth in there regards to mine.

I think its because I am very versatile,I can think, plan, and do a hundred things at a time, got the strength of a workhorse, (well my Oh thinks so)I am always on the go, I never stop except when I am on the PC, so I think I deserve to be called Wonder Woman, Oh, and she looks a little bit like me. :tongue10:

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 7:38 pm
by panlid
bobbie-dazzler wrote:
Stoday wrote:Your avatar is a projection of the image you would like people to know you by.

This way, some seek long lost youth, others a forgotten ambition. Some blokes project their feminine side with piccies of fluffy cats, some their masculin side with dogs. Panlid just wants to be a sweetie (!). Me? I'm Stoday. :grin:

Hmmmm, I suppose there is a grain of truth in there regards to mine.

I think its because I am very versatile,I can think, plan, and do a hundred things at a time, got the strength of a workhorse, (well my Oh thinks so)I am always on the go, I never stop except when I am on the PC, so I think I deserve to be called Wonder Woman, Oh, and she looks a little bit like me. :tongue10:
also sounds like Nora Batty :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 8:11 pm
by bobbie-dazzler
You could be right, only difference is, my stockings dont wrinkle. :wink:

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 2:26 am
by Stoday
panlid wrote: also sounds like Nora Batty :wink:
So which one does Panlid sound like?


Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 8:45 am
by panlid
no, i look like compo :thumbright:

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:54 am
by Telmay
Got the dreaded man flu the other day, but it started in my back and at first thought I had pulled some muscles or just jarred it until I started to feel like complete s*ite, on the up side I havnt put my back out and have had time to post endless drivel :thumbright:

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:21 am
by Hoovie
Telmay wrote:Got the dreaded man flu the other day, but it started in my back and at first thought I had pulled some muscles or just jarred it until I started to feel like complete s*ite, on the up side I havnt put my back out and have had time to post endless drivel :thumbright:
TFFT - We have to watch out we don't run short :lol:

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 9:45 am
by feva
my fever broke the other night, went to bed at 10.20pm on friday and woke up at 11.50pm and was up all night, tried to sleep during the day but my 3 year old wont have it, chuffed its gone, at least its not ebola!! :lol:
wasnt my day on friday like, i felt like crap all day, then for some reason i stepped side ways of my step ladders when i was on the top run, ripped my two day old bib and brace all the way down the legs! :cussing: ::b :angryfire:
but on another lighter note, it seems that ive given the flu to four people round me! :lol:

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 9:59 am
by Foggy
had a bad cold for last 3 days ,managed to crawl to work tho

had flu twice in my life time ,both times in bed for a week couldnt move or do f**k all ,felt like i had done 12 rounds with mike tyson
there is a BIG difference between a cold and proper flu

nice Avatar Feva :thumbright:

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:57 pm
by feva
to right foggy about the avatar, im getting that tattoo'ed on my right shoulder next year!

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:24 pm
by Foggy
feva wrote:to right foggy about the avatar, im getting that tattoo'ed on my right shoulder next year!
wouldnt mind seeing that when done m8

i have the Lincoln Imp on mine

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 9:54 pm
by feva
ive got three pubs and a resturant to do starting in jan, and they are going to pay for them!

update on the man flu!!! its totally gone! but now my three year son has got Tonsillitis!!! you can tell by the bad breath and his was making me bork! hes been up the last two nights, on the first night he came and got into our bed, between me and my missus, ive got her saying to me just go back to sleep your at work in the morning! first time she's ever been that nice! and then ive got my son trying to push me out of bed! then crying when i move him back over, then he wanted to play hide and seek at 4am!!! and no one told us that you can catch it dead easy, me and the missus are getting sore throats! ::b

Re: urgent warning!!!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:03 pm
by Have Brush Will Travel
bobbie-dazzler wrote:
feva wrote:the man flu is doing the rounds, ive got it and i honestly thinks its deadly, i already wrote my will out! im reading a tom clancey book and its has the ebola virus in it, and that starts with you feeling like you have the flu, i thinks thats what ive got! if i didnt post any more, you'll know ive got the deadly man flu! women complain about child birth, ive seen it first had, at least they get strong pain killers, what do i get sweet f a
and women get time off, ive got to work!!! bloody man flu!!! do you think at 25 im too young for the flu jab?[/b]

Typical, women get colds, and men get the flu. :roll:

My Oh gets man flu, poor thing, he's such a martyr, he has to get out of bed, drive 6 miles to work, and has a hard day sitting in an office, poor bu55er comes home, has a nice bath, sits on sofa, and has his dinner cooked for him.

When I have a cold, I take Day Nurse tablets, go to my job, on my feet all day, do a hard physical job, (I'm a martyr too) :wink: come home, has a nice bath, then cooks a dinner for my poor hubby who is sitting on his arris, wont take anything for it, as he likes to sniff and sneeze to let me know how ill he is. :roll:
I then take some lemsip, or Night Nurse tabs, offer some to OH, but he waves them away, as he likes to suffer.

Ahhh its a hard life..... :cb

Hope you get better soon feva, :grin: try day nurse tabs, they are fantastic, they take all your ailments away, even if its for a few hours, and you do feel heaps better, I swear by them.

Am off to work to now, have a cold coming, but I will soldier on, thats what us females do. :laughing8:
'Women.....know your place!'


Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:18 pm
by bobbie-dazzler
lol, dont you start. :-P